Friday 11 August 2017

A mid-summer day's dream

Well here's my second blog post in 2 years. It's like nothing happened, but everything happened, both at the same time, for 2 years. Hopefully this one makes as much sense as the last one.

Typing is sure a lot easier than writing with a pen, and easier to read afterwards too.

Anyways here we go.

Ideas in my head these days include:

1. what to do with my time from day to day. Currently:
    - exercise. yoga, running, cycling, weightlifting
    - planning for travel/trips
    - random surfing and generally wasting time playing with myself

    I could definitely use more structure and day-to-day goal-setting. Maybe once summer is over.

2. what kind of person am i now, and am i happy with that? I've been missing the social contact with my friends. Need to make more of an effort there.

3. what do i want to create/build? I built a shoe rack for Emily yesterday, it was kind of ghetto, I'm out of practice. I should get going on my homebuilt guitar project.

4. how (and when) do i want to contribute to the world/to others? I've been postponing this one for too long, I want to try a volunteer day with Habitat for Humanity at one of their builds down in Bowness. Could use to help Dean a little more too.

Generally right now I feel like I'm in a bit of a holding pattern.

What are my passions? What do i get excited about? Here are some:
- exercise - running, yoga - getting fit
- building things, fixing things - working with my hands

On another note, I've had lots of travel so far this year, which has been fun, and I want to capture that.

I've been to:

- Charleston WV twice in Jan/Feb with TC.
- Houston for two back-to-back weeks in April with TC
- Maui in May with B
- Nanaimo in June with B, to visit Dad & Patricia
- Oshkosh WI in July with Jeff, amazing airshow

And coming soon, a trip to Croatia and Venice with B in Sept/Oct.

Sure has been nice having the summer off. No regrets about quitting TC!!!

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Change in the Seasons

A blog post? Where did that come from? Usually when I'm feeling reflective I'll write in my diary, but for some reason this morning I though I'd try something new. Hard to say whether it will catch on.

In fact there's been a few changes to my behaviour in the last few months, but I don't know if that's a sign of discontent with my life or just normal life change with age. Maybe working from home now has given me some time to be reflective on who I am and what I'm doing with my life, having a bunch of extra quiet time sure has been nice.

Some positive changes in my life include:

  • Getting fit. I'm trying to do something active every day, running, or go to the YMCA for a workout.
  • Eating better. Trying to really cut down on wheat products, a la Wheat Belly.
  • Helping others. Well very little of this so far, but I've started by helping Dean as much as I can. More to come.
  • Learning to meditate, and be present. Controlling my mind has always been difficult, but reading books like The Power of Now and Awakening the Buddha Within has furthered my ability. Now just have to get consistent at practicing zazen.

There's been some minor negative changes too, but I don't want to focus on those too much:

  • Patricia's alzheimer's seems to be accelerating. She can't remember who Dad is occasionally.
  • Got handed a 15% rate cut at work. Seems unfair to only target contractors, but I guess that's the sign of the times. Also working for an unethical client doesn't help.
  • Nothing to show for 6 months of work. Between the stock market dropping and our bad spending habits lately, net worth is down.
Well that's it for my first blog post of 2015, who knows, maybe my last as well.